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Moving should be exciting and fun, but it can easily lean onto the side of stressful and intimidating at times. It is easy to forget to make sure everything is transferred or cancelled. Here is a helpful list to hopeful ease the worry of ensuring all the boxes are checked (and moved). 📦

Government agencies

1. The United States Postal Service

When you move, the first thing you’ll want to do is to make sure your mail moves with you! Change your address at the official USPS® Change-of-Address website. It costs $1.05 to change your address with USPS®. This fee verifies that it’s you wanting to change your address, not someone fraudulently doing so on your behalf. Make sure to be wary of any third-party sites that ask you to pay more than that for their service. You can also change your address in-person at any post office.

If you’ve made a mistake or have had a change in plans, here’s how to edit or cancel your change-of-address.

Bonus tip: If you go the online route, you can get instant access to over $750 in special offers and savings when you complete your change of address submission.

2. DMV (or any state licensing agency)

The next step on your change-of-address checklist should be updating your driver’s license and vehicle registration. If you haven’t taken a trip to the DMV, have you even moved at all? While we can hear your groan from here, visiting the DMV is an important step — and one that can be done online in most states. Though options can vary based on which state you’re moving to and from, you’re legally required to change your license and registration address, so don’t skip this. For Texas, you can complete the application online at: txapps.texas.gov

3. IRS

The IRS will need to be made aware of your new digs so that your tax information remains current. You can do this by filling out Form 8822. Not as painful as expected?

4. Social Security

While it’s not necessary to change your address for your social security card, if you’re a recipient of Social Security or Medicare benefits, you’ll need to change your address with the Social Security Administration. You can do so online.

5. Voter registration

Come election time, you’ll need to make sure your address is updated on your voter registration. This will inform what voting district you’re in and what polling location you should go to on election day. You can register to vote easily in Texas at: www.votetexas.gov

Financial services

6. Banks and investment services

You’re going to want to make sure any statements and bills are sent to the right place. Notify your bank, as well as companies where any investments lie. While you’re at it, order updated checks.

7. Loan issuers

Any institutions that are lending you dollars will have to know, too. This can include student loans and any companies offering advances.

8. Credit card companies and retail credit accounts

Even though you may have gone paperless billing, you’ll want your credit card companies to have your updated address for any important notices.

9. Accountant and tax advisors

Trust, us you don’t want any mix up come tax season. Make sure to notify your accountant of your address change.


10. Gas & electricity

The address change should be a natural part of switching over your utilities, but its importance can’t be understated. Be sure to give the utility company a few days heads up to avoid an electricity-free weekend welcome in your new home.

11. Water

Another rookie mistake in the making: Forgetting to switch your address over with your water provider. The shower desperation after a sweaty move can be real, so include them on your “ample notice” list.

12. Internet, cable & phone

We’ve bundled these like your cable company keeps selling you on, but be sure to notify each separately if you use multiple carriers. Keep in mind that providers can vary by ZIP code, so make sure to find plans in your area.


13. Health, dental and life insurance

Changing your address with health, dental, and life-related insurance will help ensure you’re covered in your new city or state.

14. Car insurance

Contact your car insurance provider to make sure they do business in your new location, as well as confirm you won’t need to modify coverage (some states require liability insurance while others do not).

15. Homeowner or renter’s insurance

Homeowner and renter’s insurance is only helpful if it’s for the right home. Because the insurance won’t follow you when you move, you’ll need to contact them for the update and ensure no other changes need to be made.

People and animal care

16. Employer

Your employer will need to know your new address to keep records current.

17. Doctors, dentists, and lawyers

Informing the people who serve you will ensure your billing address matches and payments go through.

18. Veterinarian

Your fur baby has needs, too. Let the vet know about their new home. If your pet is microchipped, update their new address on the microchip registry.

Online services

19. Retail websites

Who are we kidding? Amazon Prime was probably the first place you updated your address. In case we’re wrong, here’s a reminder to update your new billing and mailing address on any retail sites, especially those with recurring payments.

20. Streaming services

Though probably a close runner-up to Amazon Prime, here’s a cue to update your address with any streaming services like Netflix.

21. Payment services

Don’t forget any payment services like PayPal or Venmo, but we’re sure your friends trying to charge you will remind you if you do.


22. Retail clubs

If you’re part of retail clubs like Sam’s or Costco, notify them so you can keep bulking up (and, speaking of bulking, update your gym membership as well).

23. Magazines & subscription boxes

Don’t let a new address stop your flow when it comes to subscriptions. Change your address online so there’s no delay in your receipt.

24. Religious institutions

If you belong to any institutions, also include them on your list.