Property Description
Nice commercial truck facility built in 2005. Amenities include a large office with lobby, 2 bathrooms , and employee lounge with bathroom and shower, 2 other separated areas within main building. There is also an oil change service pit. This property sits on 1.69 acres, has a security fence, and concrete driveways and parking. (On city water and sewer.) This property is east of Hereford right off Hwy 60, turn north on Progressive road, and it sits right behind Stripes (formerly known as Big Daddy’s).
Square Feet
Year Built
The property is located on the northeast side of town on US HWY 60.
Property Map
Listing Agent: Phyllis Bridges | Agent
Licensed In States: TX, NM
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-685-1543
Meet Phyllis BridgesListing Agent: The Bridges Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-685-1543
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