Property Description
Duck Creek Ranch is a charming country property ideal for hunting or building your dream home in Kent County, approximately 80 miles east of Lubbock. Property offers +/-184 acres with Duck Creek winding throughout, a 2 bedroom, 1 bath home that has been updated and also has a 1 bedroom, 1 bath bunk house. One well servicing house, bunk house and wooden pens/barn close to house. Abundant mesquite trees throughout the property, large cottonwood trees and willow trees along the creek, and some cedar trees throughout property. Deep drawls, bluffs, and seasonal live water creates a perfect habitat for deer, turkey, hogs and quail. Grass is in excellent condition and has not been grazed in 5 years. Property is secluded, offering peace and quiet.
This property is located about 10 miles southeast of Spur, Texas and about 17 miles northwest of Jayton in Kent County, Texas. Lubbock International Airport is about an hour and fifteen minute drive to the east of this property. Also, Ft. Worth, TX is about 3 hours and 45 minutes.
Property Map
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