Property Description
EASTSIDE: This property is located on a very active street, because of it’s location this property pulls in a lot of business. It features 6 rooms total and a drive through window. Is it equipped with an office, cooler rooms, etc. It has a 12,000 sq ft. parking lot and a carport. The building itself is 2,450 sq ft. The listing price is $115,000 which includes ±$20,000 inventory. ***Seller will only sell this building with the sale of 1300 N Price Rd, better known as Easy’s Westside Package store.
WESTSIDE: FOR SALE OR LEASE. This property is a newer building, built in 2010. The store includes two enclosed drive-thru bays that are 1,217 sf; they are heated and attached to the package store. There is a large showroom with walk-in coolers, one ADA restroom, an office and large storage room. The property is equipped with two 5-ton HVAC units. There are endless opportunities for this commercial property; it could be used as a convenient store, car service store w/ oil change bays, oil and gas business, etc. There is plenty of room around the property for parking. Additionally, it sits on 2.1 acres which leaves plenty of room for expansion.
Both properties are located in Pampa, Texas and are just an hour drive to Amarillo, Texas and Rick Husband International Airport. |
1300 N Price Rd & 201 East Brown St, Pampa, TX
MLS# - 19-790
Property Map
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