Property Description
Delightful home with every bell & whistle, knockout Kitchen with Island & tons of storage. Open floor plan, versatile floor plan. Master is isolated. Tile throughout, so great for kids & animals. The back patio is an perfect & protected from the SW winds, has a fireplace for chilly nights. Massive concrete drive can easily park a dozen cars. This is horsey heaven, the metal barn is really a dream with 4 stalls that turn out into 3 runs… Has 2 overhead doors at each end for a wonderful cross breeze. Barn includes tack room, automatic heated waters, feed storage below & in the loft. Rubber mats, lots of panels to fence off various pastures. This is truly a great Horse property. Leaving Chest Freezer in Garage.
Square Feet
Year Built
Property Map
Sold Listing Agent: The Haynes Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
Meet The Haynes TeamSold Listing Agent: JT Haynes | Broker/Owner
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, & CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
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