Property Description
Oliver Eakle cottage, within walking distance to Amarillo College. Floorplan has been improved, adding privacy to each bedroom. Beautiful hardwood flooring is located in the majority of the home. Kitchen offers gas range and leads to laundry space with stackable washer and dryer included. The detached garage has storage on one side and parking accessible from driveway. Nice sized backyard for kids or pets. This lot is zoned multi-family, add a duplex or efficiency in the future for additional income. Newer concrete, roof, gutters, and gas line per seller. Garage door replaced 2/24. Low taxes and wonderful investment opportunity.
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Square Feet
.18 acres
Lot Dimensions
Property Map
Sold Listing Agent: Carley Saikowski | Agent
Licensed In States: Texas
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-433-0169
Meet Carley SaikowskiSold Listing Agent: JT Haynes | Broker/Owner
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, & CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
Meet JT HaynesSold Listing Agent: The Haynes Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
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