Property Description
Stunning barndominium situated on ±533 acres near Lake Greenbelt. This ±533 acre property has it all- fencing for horses or cattle, 2 wells, beautiful rolling hills with bluestem and native grasses, and a ±15 foot deep canyon located on the SE side of the property. The barndo has all the amenities you need, including 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a ton of storage, a walk-in utility room, an open concept living room and kitchen, and much more. The cutest 1 bed, 1 full bath bunkhouse could serve as guest quarters or you could rent it out! The roof is just over a year old and all of the appliances will stay with the property. You don’t want to miss out on this!
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TEXT HOME9 to 806-452-4090
Square Feet
Year Built
4741 FM 3257 is located near Lake Greenbelt in Clarendon, TX.
Property Map
Sold Listing Agent: The Haynes Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
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