Property Description
This is your chance to own a piece of paradise. Located in Ransom Canyon, this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom Spanish style home provides plenty of space for a family or for hosting guests. The landscaped backyard with a covered patio is perfect for enjoying the outdoors, while the open concept living room and wet bar are great for relaxing indoors. You will enjoy the kitchen patio views or time spent in the formal dining room! And if you need more storage space, don’t worry – this home comes with large closets. The isolated master bedroom and spacious master bathroom are sure to impress. In this sought after neighborhood, a private lake is just a walking distance away! You don’t want to miss out!
Square Feet
Year Built
7 Sioux Trail is outside of Lubbock in Ransom Canyon, TX.
Property Map
Sold Listing Agent: The Haynes Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
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