Property Description
Offering a great half section located just SE of Floydada, TX. This parcel offers buyers a great mixture of dryland farm and grass acreage. There is an old windmill located in the north quarter section of the property (current state is unknown). Irrigation sits just north of the property, indicating potential development and good water. Along the south boundary line sits a 345 KV transmission line, opening multiple possibilities for a new owner to pursue.
There is an existing oral lease on the dry-land farm acreage. The current crop-share is 30% on cotton & 25% on wheat. The owners crop-share % will convey with the sale, and the tenant share will convey to the new owner through the growing season. All owned mineral estate will be retained by the owner. Wind and solar estate will convey with the property.
Call the office for additional information or any questions: 806.367.8334
Fawver Dryland & Grass Floydada, TX, 79235 – Soil Report
1 Mile X 1/2 Mile
Lot Dimensions
Fawver Dryland & Grass is located 7.5 miles SE of Floydada, TX. Property sits on the south side of CR 280.
Property Map
Listing Agent: The Haynes Team
Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO
E-mail: | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055
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