Located In: Floyd County

Property Description

The Lockney Grain Facility is located on the outskirts of Lockney, just off of Highway 70. This facility offers concrete, flat and steel grain storage options. There is also a large office with a 60 foot truck scale available, along with 3 elevator legs.

Price: $2,037,368

Status: For Sale

Type: Commercial

Size: ±9.7 acres

1950s & 1960s

Year Built

Lockney Grain Facility is located on southeast side of Lockney, off of Shubert Street & Hwy. 70.

Property Info and Links

Lockney Grain Facility is located inside Lockney city limits.
The facility holds 2,355,100 bushels of grain. There is one concrete elevator accounting for 155,700 bushels of storage; multiple storage warehouses accounting for 1,576,800 bushels of flat storage; and steel tanks accounting for 622,600 bushels of storage. Three elevator legs move grain; one 5,000 bu/hr leg; one 4,000 bu/hr leg; one 1,000 bu/hr leg. Additionally, there is an in-ground 60 foot scale by the ±3750 square foot stucco office, and 5 truck dump pits.
The exclusions from the sale of this property include: all inventories owned by or under the control of the seller, all rolling stock on the property, all office furniture and equipment, all signage and all personal property owned by third parties, including without limitation the cell towers and related equipment and fixtures on and at the elevators.
The facility is located in the northwest quadrant of Floyd County, situated just north of Highway 70, on the south end of Lockney.
The facility is accessible from East Shubert Street.

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3 Elevator Legs

2,355,100 Total Bushel Capacity

Concrete, Steel & Flat Storage

60' Truck Scale

Property Map

Listing Agent: The Haynes Team

Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO

E-mail: us@trianglerealtyllc.com | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055

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