Located In: Hutchinson County

Property Description

Great grass section located in the northeastern portion of Hutchinson County. The property has 5 natural gas wells located on it, and all owned mineral estate will convey with the sale. There is paved access and electricity available off of FM 281. There is also access from CR D on the south side of the parcel. Palo Duro creek runs through the center of the section that attracts wildlife and adds character to the land.

Improvements include good barb wire fencing (new fence on the north side of the parcel) and a windmill located on the south side of the creek. Irrigation sits to the north and south side of the land indicating good water. There is no well report for the windmill at this time. Contour changes are roughly 90 ft from the northwest to southeast side of the property.

There is currently a grazing lease that will continue through December 2024. Wind and solar estate will convey with the sale, along with all minerals.

South PD Creek – Soils Report

Price: $971,850

Status: Off Market

Type: Ranch / Hunting

Size: ±630 Acres

1 Mile X 1 Mile

Lot Dimensions

Located on the south side of FM 281, 15 miles east of Sunray, TX.

Property Video

Property Info and Links

There are currently no water well reports for the section. Irrigated farmland sits to the north and south of the land, indicating good water. Nearby wells are drilled anywhere from 475-550 ft deep.

Improvements include barb wire perimeter fencing (new fence on the north side) and 1 windmill located in the center of the parcel.

All owned mineral, wind and solar estate will convey with the sale. There are 5 natural gas wells located on the land.
DISCLOSURE: It will be buyers responsibility to verify currently owned minerals.

CnB, Conlen loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes, 161.63, 25.77% - 30, 4e
BVE, Berda and Veal soils, 3 to 15 percent slopes, 116.68, 18.6% - 45, 6e
PtE, Potter soils, 3 to 20 percent slopes, cool, 106.82, 17.03% - 21, 7e
BeB, Berda loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes, cool, 78.37, 12.5% - 51, 3c
Hu, Bippus clay loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, frequently flooded, cool, 69.07, 11.01% - 52, 5w
CnC, Conlen loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes, 42.49, 6.77% - 29, 3e
BeC, Berda loam, 3 to 5 percent slopes, cool, 24.14, 3.85% - 51, 4e
CnA, Conlen loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes, 20.79, 3.31% - 30, 3e

South PD Creek - Soils Report

Any and all personal property that belongs to the tenant will not convey with the sale.

The property is outside of any municipality, therefore it is not zoned. There are 4 natural gas wells located on the property with access easements for each. There is also an access easement on the south side of the section. Title will show any other existing easements. 

Estimated 2023 Paid Taxes:*
2024 Taxes: ±$653.80

This is an estimated tax for 2024. Potential buyers will be responsible for verifying the taxes with or without exemptions.

Property is located in the northwestern portion of Hutchinson County. 

South PD Creek has access via FM 281 on the north side of the land & CR D on the south side.

Take FM 281 east of Sunray 15 miles. The entrance gate is approximately 1 mile east of CR 4. The land is located on the south side of the road.

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Paved Access from FM 281

New fence on the North side

Over 1 mile of South PD Creek access

All Owned Min Estate Will Convey

Property Map

Listing Agent: The Haynes Team

Licensed In States: TX, NM, OK, CO

E-mail: us@trianglerealtyllc.com | Cell Phone: 806-513-5055

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